The following is a testimonial from one of our satisfied customers.
*This customer requested assistance with a Permanent Resident visa application*

Q: How did you learn about IMS?

A: Yahoo! search

Q: Why did you choose IMS?

・I saw the corporate profile on the IMS website, and they have a long history of achievements.
・I also had confidence in IMS because they are not only a Japanese visa application agency, but also work with visas for other countries, so I believe they have experience in handling global applications.
・They had a strong sense of professionality, so I was able to have a sense of trust in them.
・They also have a money-back policy, so I was rest-assured in applying.

Q: What did you think of our services, and which part did you appreciate most?

・Communication, replies, and responses are fast and professional.
・The staff was kind enough to explain in detail how to obtain the materials and what to look out for during the preparation of the materials.
・They used easy-to-understand Japanese in their emails to me, and communication was easy.
・It was helpful to have the questions from here answered from a professional angle.

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