The following is a testimonial from one of our satisfied customers.
*This customer requested assistance in applying for an E visa to travel to the U.S.*
Q: How did you learn about IMS?
A: Yahoo! search
Q: Why did you choose IMS?
A: There were few places I could request to apply for an E2 accompanying visa, but I decided to ask IMS because they had a YouTube channel, the content was solid, and the pricing was reasonable.
Q: What did you think of our services, and which part did you appreciate most?
A: Because they specialize in a wide range of fields, they were able to answer any questions I had right away and deal with everything quickly. Also, when I requested a follow-up appointment before the interview at the embassy, they did so and explained the details to me, so I was able to go to the interview with peace of mind. I was able to get it successfully this time! Thank you very much.