Traffic violations can be classified into three categories depending on the severity of the offense: "violations subject to criminal penalties (red tickets)," "violations subject to the penalty system (blue tickets)," and "violations for which no penalties are collected (white tickets).

The degree to which a traffic violation affects your PR Visa application depends on which type of violation it is.
The following is an explanation of how traffic violations affect your PR Visa application.

Traffic Violations

There are three main types of traffic violations

  1. red tickets

Traffic violations that carry criminal penalties 
extremely malicious traffic violations 
Fines are imposed instead of penalties.

Driving while intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol / Driving without a license / Operating without insurance / Maliciously exceeding the speed limit, etc.

  1. blue ticket

Traffic infractions to which the Traffic Foul Notice System applies
Relatively minor traffic infractions 
Can avoid criminal penalties if a fine is paid.

Relatively minor traffic infractions such as excessive speed, parking violation, temporary stop violation, overtaking violation, cell phone use, etc.

  1. white ticket 
    Traffic violations for which no fines are collected. 

Red Ticket and PR Visa

Driving while intoxicated, driving under the influence of alcohol, driving without a license, driving without inspection, driving without insurance, maliciously exceeding the speed limit, etc. will result in a red ticket and criminal penalties will be applied.
Therefore, these actions will have a very negative impact on the examination of your PR Visa application as a result of your poor conduct.
Therefore, in accordance with Article 34-2 of the Penal Code, it is best to wait 5 years before applying for a PR Visa.

Article 34-2 of the Penal Code (Extinction of punishment)
(1) When 10 years have passed without a person who has completed the execution of a sentence of imprisonment or severer punishment or has obtained remission of such execution being sentenced to a fine or severer punishment, the sentence shall cease to have effect. The same shall apply when five years have elapsed without the person having completed the execution of a sentence of fine or less or having obtained remission of such execution being sentenced to a fine or more.

Speeding and PR Visa

With regard to so-called speeding violations, depending on the severity of the offense, whether it results in a "red ticket" or a "blue ticket" will affect how the applicant prepares for the PR Visa.

In other words, if the speeding on a public road is 30 km over the limit, it is a "red ticket" and criminal penalties will be applied. Therefore, it is best to wait 5 years before applying for the PR Visa, in accordance with Article 34-2 of the Penal Code.

On the other hand, if you are caught speeding, but the speed is less than 30 km/h, it is a " blue ticket" and no criminal penalty will be applied as long as you paid the fine on time.

We have experience in obtaining permanent residence permits for minor traffic violations.

Please contact our office for more information.