The Business Manager visa requires a lot of upfront costs, such as the need to establish a company with an investment of at least 5 million yen before applying for status of residence, and the need to secure real estate properties such as its office in advance. If the business manager visa is ultimately denied, the investment in real estate and company establishment costs may be wasted.

In addition, the screening process by the Immigration Bureau is getting become strict and can take as long as three months (or longer if the screening process is protracted), so working capital such as real estate rent and living expenses until the start of business will also be required.

Therefore, it is recommended that you consult with a specialist about the possibility of obtaining a business management visa and the specific procedures to be taken before proceeding with preparations for starting a business. In addition to the requirements for a business administration visa, there must also be no problems with your status of residence in Japan, such as compliance with the Immigration Control Act and other laws and regulations.

Please refer to our Business Manager Visa web page.