There is a lot of information on how to obtain a business manager visa, but not much is known about how to renew a business manager visa.
Many foreigners may wonder, "I want to renew my business manager visa that I have worked so hard to obtain, but there is no website that explains in detail how to renew my business manager visa and what documents are required," or "In the end, what documents do I need to apply for renewal? Many foreign nationals may be wondering, "What documents do I need to submit to renew my visa?
Business Manager Visa Renewal also requires thorough preparation
1.Renewal of a visa is as difficult as the application itself
Many people think that they can apply for renewal of a business manager visa on their own, but just because it is a renewal application does not mean that it is easy.
There are many points that are checked at the time of renewal, and if you think it is as simple as "just submitting the application," your visa renewal may be denied, so it is important to be well prepared.
At the time of renewal, the following items will be checked.
Any changes between the business plan submitted when you first obtained your "business manager" visa and your current business activities, and any differences between the originally planned sales and actual sales (in the case of the first renewal).
What the contents of the financial documents are, especially the sales and profit sections
Whether the location of the company has changed since the previous application
If the contents are different from the previous application, what are the reasons for the differences
Start the renewal application for a business administration visa three months before the expiration date.
An application for renewal of the Business Manager visa can be filed three months prior to the expiration date of the visa.
Since the examination is based on financial statements, etc., it is advisable to make an application based on an overall assessment of the company's business year and the expiration date of the visa status of residence.
In addition, although it varies depending on the jurisdiction and time of year, in the case of the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau, the examination period for a renewal application for a business manager visa is about one month. As soon as you have prepared the necessary documents such as financial statements, you should quickly start the renewal procedures.
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