Hello, this is Syu of IMS.

On the application for the Certificate of Eligibility, there are sections for both "legal representative" and "agent". Do you know the difference?

In principle, applications for Certificate of Eligibility (COE) require applicants to go to the Immigration Bureau, apply, and receive the results themselves. But in most cases, the applicants aren't even in Japan for this step in the process. Some people think that they should just mail the signed application to Japan, but under immigration law, applicants cannot submit applications to Immigration unless they are in Japan. Therefore, it is necessary to hire an agent within Japan, and ask the legal representative (or administrative scrivener) to obtain the COE so the applicant can then apply for a visa.

You shouldn't hire just any legal representative. The COE is a necessary step in the legal application process to bring foreigners to Japan. According to the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act, the "legal representative" should be one of the following:

  1. Family member living in Japan
  2. Staff member of the "inviting institution"

Specifically, relatives are parents, siblings, and spouses. "Staff member" refers to employees of the company that is hiring the applicant, or faculty members of the school at which the applicant will study or teach. These representatives can create, modify, and sign applications on behalf of the applicant.

Are administrative scriveners considered "legal representatives" if they submit applications by proxy? Technically, they are considered "agents" who provide support for foreigners in their visa applications. This includes document preparation and application submission to the Immigration Bureau. However, they are not in a position to invite the applicant to Japan, so they cannot be considered a representative or sign the legal representative section.

COE applications can be daunting! Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions about the process.

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