Hello, this is Matsui from IMS Legal Professional Corporation. I never thought rice would disappear from supermarket shelves, but it seems that new rice has started to circulate gradually since September. Thinking the remaining rice was insufficient, I started mixing mochi rice when cooking rice at the end of August. Surprisingly, it turned out deliciously chewy, which was a pleasant discovery. Although the new rice may be a bit expensive, I look forward to enjoying delicious rice while expressing gratitude to the farmers.

Trends in U.S. Interviews

Today, I would like to discuss recent trends in U.S. visa interviews. For those who are experiencing their first interview, I recommend watching the official video from the U.S. Embassy. Although it's a bit dated, it contains important elements that could be helpful.

Recent trends in interviews include the following points:

  • They only review the minimum necessary documents.
  • Emphasis on the online application form (DS-160)
  • Special cases--such as arrest records, criminal records, and entry denials--need to be explained in the applicant's own words.

The above may be due to the constant congestion. Since the beginning of this year, it has become particularly difficult to secure interview slots for U.S. B visas, with the earliest available slots in both Tokyo and Osaka being in December. This means that only slots three months ahead are open. Despite this situation, feedback from clients indicates that embassies and consulates are always busy and receive a high number of applicants.

Minimum Required Documents

Previously, there was only one intake counter at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, but now there are three. At this counter, non-essential supplementary documents are mostly returned, and you will be told to submit them only if asked by the consul. The documents always collected at this counter include the passport, the DS-160 confirmation page, and any court transcripts or entry denial letters. Other documents will likely be returned temporarily. Even so, it is advisable to keep them on hand for the subsequent interview with the consul.

Importance of the online application form DS-160

Since only minimal documents are required, the content of the application form submitted online before the interview becomes crucial. Once the DS-160 form is submitted online, it cannot be modified. Therefore, it is important to carefully check for errors before submitting it. Although you need to declare a lot of information, making false declarations is of course the worst thing you can do. Answer each question honestly. After submitting online, you can download a copy of your submission, so make sure to keep a copy for your records.

Explaining in Your Own Words

For example, if you have a previous conviction, you are required to submit documents such as a summary order or a copy of the judgment with an English translation. The consular officer should be able to understand what happened from these documents. However, recently, you are always required to explain the circumstances of the incident in your own words. In the past, it was easier for applicants since they could simply prepare a letter in English and ask the consular officer to read it, but now, applicants are mostly required to explain themselves. Therefore, prepare to convey the details of the incident concisely and without omission.

Are Supporting Documents Required?

Compared to the past, the number of documents required at the interview has clearly decreased. However, our company still recommends preparing supplementary documents for the following reasons:

  • The descriptions regarding documents on the U.S. Embassy website have not changed much over time.
  • Having the documents ready can help applicants notice any mistakes in the DS-160 application.
  • Preparing a support letter in English helps the applicants themselves organize their application content.
  • The documents can be presented as evidence if requested by the consular officer during the interview.

The approval or denial of a U.S. visa is not only determined by the application form and other documents but also by the content of the interview. The interview is a critically important element of the evaluation. We recommend that applicants prepare thoroughly to avoid any regrets during the interview process.

IMS is always available to consult on US visas. Please feel free to contact us. Note that the information in this blog is current as of posting, and for the latest information, please check the official government websites on your own.

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