Hello, this is Inada from IMS Legal Professional Corporation. Many of you may already be aware from news reports that the integration of the residence card and the My Number card is planned. The law (amendment) to implement this was promulgated on June 21, 2024. I would like to discuss the main changes brought about by this amendment.

As of August 2024, this law has not yet been enforced. According to previous news reports, the issuance of the new integrated residence cards is expected to begin in the fiscal year 2025.

Selective Integration

It will become possible to apply selectively for the issuance of an integrated card known as the "Special Residence Card" (特定在留カード). This card, which incorporates the features of the My Number card, will be referred to as the "Special Residence Card."

Not all regular residence cards will automatically convert to Special Residence Cards. Instead, it seems that individuals can opt to switch to a Special Residence Card if they wish under certain circumstances.

① When making applications or notifications at the Immigration Bureau based on the Immigration Control Act

Applications for change of residence status, renewal of residence status, application for permanent residence permission, renewal of validity period of residence card, notification of change of information other than place of residence, re-issuance due to damage, etc.

② When making procedures linked to the Basic Resident Registration Act at city, ward, town, or village offices

Notification of place of residence after new landing or notification of change of place of residence made by mid- to long-term residents, etc.

In other words, it seems that instead of receiving a regular residence card or having an address endorsed (registered) on the residence card, you can apply for the issuance of a "specified residence card". The specific procedures in practice will need to be confirmed in the future.

Will the "Specified Residence Card" have less information written on it?

Article 19-4 of the Immigration Control Act, concerning the items listed on the residence card, has been amended to remove the following three items from the residence card's listed details. These items are no longer statutory but are now determined by ministerial ordinance:

  • Period of stay
  • Type and date of permission
  • Date of issuance of the residence card

The amended law states that "the format of the residence card and other necessary details regarding the residence card shall be prescribed by a Ministry of Justice ordinance," and the above three items "shall be recorded on the residence card in an electronic format." Indeed, the image of the "Special Residence Card" available on the Immigration Services Agency's website does not display these items.

It seems inconvenient not to have the period of stay listed on the card itself, especially since applicants need to specify their current period of stay on application forms when applying for various immigration statuses. This change caught my attention as it could affect the convenience for cardholders.

How far will the switch to the integrated card go?

The amendment states the intent to "aim for the realization of a coexistent society by improving the convenience for foreigners," while also clearly specifying that "integration is not mandatory, and it is possible not to integrate." This suggests that the integration of the My Number card with the residence card may not be a necessary feature for all foreigners. It seems that the increased convenience might be limited to certain individuals. For example, for permanent residents who have an indefinite period of stay, the visibility of the three items mentioned earlier on the card may not be of much importance. Additionally, there is curiosity about how much the issuance fee will be.

Will this help promote the spread of My Number cards?

The overview of the revised law includes a statement that "enhancements to the My Number card functions are planned for the future." According to the latest data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, as of the end of July 2024, the possession rate of My Number cards among the population registered in the Basic Resident Register in Japan is 74.5%. The expansion of functions is intended to increase convenience for nationals, and it seems that the integration of the residence card with the My Number card might be key to spreading the use of My Number cards among the increasingly growing foreign resident population.

As of the end of January 2024, the ownership rate of My Number cards among foreigners is just under 60% (while the overall national rate was 73.1% at the same time). It remains to be seen whether the introduction of the "Special Residence Card" will increase this percentage or if only a portion of those who currently have a My Number card will switch. Observing the trends after the issuance of the "Special Residence Card" begins will be crucial.


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