Hello, this is Ito from IMS Legal Professional Corporation. We often receive many inquiries from individuals considering applying for the Highly Skilled Professional status of residence ("visa"). Occasionally, we receive inquiries through our website's contact form where individuals fill in the relevant categories and points, expressing their desire to apply for the Highly Skilled Professional visa. Especially from those contacting us from overseas, there seems to be a misunderstanding that meeting the points for Highly Skilled Professional status is sufficient to apply for this visa.

However, like other residence statuses, it is necessary to have a sponsoring organization in Japan. Additionally, the point calculation table is divided into categories (a), (b), and (c), each corresponding to specific activities.

Differences between the categories

Highly Skilled Professional (i)(a)

Research, research guidance, or education activities conducted based on a contract with a public or private organization/institution in Japan

Highly Skilled Professional (i)(b)

Activities to engage in work that requires knowledge or technology in the field of natural sciences or humanities, based on a contract with a public or private organization/institution in Japan

Highly Skilled Professional (i)(c)

Activities to engage in the management or administration of a business in a public or private organization/institution in Japan

When not applying for a Highly Skilled Professional visa, the applicable residency statuses generally include:

  • Highly Skilled Professional (a): "Professor," "Research," "Instructor"
  • Highly Skilled Professional (b): "Engineer/Specialist in humanities/International services"
  • Highly Skilled Professional (c): "Business Manager"

Requirement to use the correct calculation table

For each of these activities and residency statuses, you need to use the corresponding points calculation table. When applying, you must submit documents for the residency status you are applying for, along with the points calculation table used, and provide evidence to substantiate the points calculated.

For example, if you are engaged in "Business Manager" activities but are using the points calculation table for Highly Skilled Professional (b) instead of Highly Skilled Professional (c), you will need to provide a convincing explanation to the immigration authorities for why you are using that specific table. If you are managing a company with only one representative director and that person is using the points calculation table for Highly Skilled Professional (b), it is expected that the representative director would primarily be involved in company management, making it difficult to convince the immigration authorities. Simply using a points calculation table that results in a higher point total is not permissible.

Additionally, since the annual income is based on projected income, it refers to the income amount for one year from the application date. If the immigration authorities are not convinced that the applicant can receive the projected annual income, especially if it's from a newly established organization, points may not be added. In such cases, you must submit documents proving that the organization can pay the projected annual income, and these must be convincing to the immigration authorities.


Applying as a Highly Skilled Professional (i) simply because you meet the points requirement is not sufficient; the acceptance by a host institution is necessary. When not applying for a Highly Skilled Professional visa, you must submit documents required for the applicable residency status along with the points calculation table to substantiate the points checked.

If you already hold Highly Skilled Professional (i) status and are still affiliated with the institution you were affiliated with when you obtained it, you must also submit, at the time of renewal, the documents required for the applicable residency status (your documents and those of the affiliated institution) and the documents substantiating the points checked with the points calculation table.

For more information, please contact us below ↓

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