This is Stephanie of IMS Legal Professional Corporation. Many of our clients reach out to us with an interest in obtaining permanent residency. Just like the individuals themselves, every application is different, as are their reasons for wanting to apply. One of the required documents for the PR application is the Letter of Reason (理由書). Although this letter does not have a specified format or length, it allows the individual applicant to explain in detail their reasons for applying. In fact, one might consider it a bit of self-PR/自己PR for your PR application!
As part of our full-service application, we take care of the writing, but every letter is tailored to the answers we receive from our clients.
But what exactly should you write? What sort of things should you focus on? Maybe you’re determined to live in Japan for the long run, but finding the words is difficult? For your reference and consideration, here are some of the reasons why previous clients love Japan and want to stay.
Work and Career
Of course, the majority of our clients already have employment in Japan, and this employment is a driving force behind their desire to apply.
- “Continuing to grow as a specialist in my field is important to me. I have been blessed with a fulfilling job, and my salary allows me a comfortable life. I want to stay in Japan to develop my career.”
- “Even though I am the only foreigner in my department, my colleagues respect me as an expert. We are able to collaborate together and develop solutions for our clients. After work, we like to relax at a local restaurant. I consider my colleagues my peers and friends.”
- “I am a full-time faculty member at a well-respected university. My current position allows me to help the younger generation develop skills in international communication. I am proud to see my students develop both as intellectuals and as well-rounded members of society.”
Japanese Culture
Many clients also have backgrounds that introduced them to Japanese culture at an early age. Or, through their experiences living in Japan, have grown to love the culture.
- “I am consistently impressed with the cleanliness of cities and the reliable transportation. In my home country, transportation had unreliable timetables, unlike the trains in Japan. Being able to visit any part of the country in only a few hours, regardless of train or air, is so convenient to travel to new places and experience new things.”
- “I grew up reading manga and watching anime that were imported to my country. Now that I am learning Japanese, and living in Japan, I am able to find new series and stories that I never could back home. It’s like a whole new world has been opened to me!”
- “The food in Japan is one of my favorite things about living here. I could try a new dish every day and still never run out of new things to eat. It is so easy to find delicious and healthy food in a variety of different cuisines. Not only traditional food, but fusion restaurants are a treat to discover.”
- “As a single woman, I appreciate how safe Japan is, especially after dark. I grew up in a country where going out at night alone could be physically dangerous. In Japan, I don’t have these worries, even in the middle of the city, and it is such a relief.”
- “I love Japanese streetwear. On my days off, I will go to Harajuku and Shinjuku to find stores with the latest fashion. My favorite is the seamless blend between traditional and modern styles.”
- “Even when I first came here as a student, the Japanese people around me have always been friendly and helpful. I once lost my wallet on the train, and a couple days later, the police called me saying it had been turned in. No money or personal belongings were missing; this was so shocking to me. I really gained a lot of respect for Japanese culture because of this incident.”
Personal Life
Our clients come from all walks of life, and they all have their personal reasons for wanting to live in Japan.
- “Once I receive permanent residency, I will have an easier time getting a loan from the bank. It is my dream to own a house in Japan, and I am looking forward to starting a family.”
- “My spouse is Japanese, and our two children are going to start public school soon. I have always felt welcomed by the local community, and I have complete trust in the local schools. Japan has an excellent educational system, and I am glad our children will be in an environment that focuses on education and cooperation with others.”
- “I lived in Japan for a couple years as a child, and I am so happy to be back. After living here for ten years, I truly feel that Japan is my ‘forever home’. I want to spend the rest of my life here.”
- “I am nearing retirement age. My wife wants to live closer to her aging parents, and I am all too glad to retire in the beautiful countryside.”