Hello, this is Tomita of IMS.

As we have already discussed several times in previous posts, the number of documents required to apply for permanent residence has increased. In addition to the documents that were previously required, applicants must now also submit documents related to pension, health insurance, etc. So, for today’s blog post, I would like to explain the documents related to pensions, which clients frequently ask us about when applying for permanent residence.

The Ministry of Justice’s website contains a lot of information about materials and documents related to pensions. However, if you currently have no idea about the status of your pension, the first thing you should do is to check the “Monthly Pension Record” on Nenkin Net.

The process is simple. After going to the website listed below, register as a new user. You should get a password sent to you by postcard within a few days.

Once you receive the password and log into your account with it, you will be able to check your Monthly Pension Record.


Now that you know the status of your pension, the next step is to find out how many years’ worth of documents you will need to submit to the Immigration Services Agency.

In the explanation on the website of the Legal Affairs Bureau, the following passage is provided:

【(1) Documents proving the payment of insurance premiums of the public pension in recent (past ● years)】

The documents to be submitted will differ depending on whether or not you have had a National Pension System period during the past ● years, so make sure to check your monthly pension record on Nenkin Net.

This marks the final step of the preparation stage.

We’ll discuss what exactly you need to prepare regarding the actual documents in our next post!


Permanent Resident Japan Requirements

If you have a work visa

  1. Be of good conduct
    • No delinquent payments of resident tax, national health insurance, etc., no traffic violations or punishments such as imprisonment or fines, etc.
  2. Have sufficient assets or skills to make a living
    • Have an annual income of at least 3 million yen, own a home, etc.
  3. Continuous stay in Japan of 10 years or more, 5 years or more of which were on a working visa status
    • No more than a few months out of Japan in a 10-year period, etc.
  4. The current status of residence must have a period of stay of 3 or 5 years
    • If you have a visa with a 1-year period of stay, you cannot apply for a permanent residence permit even if you meet the above conditions

If you have a Highly-Skilled Professional visa, or meet the qualifications of a Highly-Skilled Professional

  1. Be of good conduct
    • No delinquent payments of resident tax, national health insurance, etc., no traffic violations or punishments such as imprisonment or fines, etc.
  2. Have sufficient assets or skills to make a living
    • Have an annual income of at least 3 million yen, own a home, etc.
  3. Be in possession of 70 points or more, according to the highly-skilled professional point calculation table, AND have been in possession of 70 points or more 3 years prior
  4. Be in possession of 80 points or more, according to the highly-skilled professional point calculation table, AND have been in possession of 80 points or more for at least the last 1 year

If you have a Spouse of Japanese Resident visa, Spouse of Permanent Resident visa, or Dependent visa

  1. Be in a bona fide marriage for a continuous 3 years or more, and have lived in Japan for at least 1 continuous year
    In the case of biological children, must have lived in Japan for at least 1 continuous year
  2. The current status of residence must have a period of stay of 3 years or more
    • If you have a visa with a 1-year period of stay, you cannot apply for a permanent residence permit even if you meet the above conditions


Please also visit our website dedicated to permanent residence applications.